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Showing posts from September, 2019

Marines Errant Space Marines

"The Traitor and the Xenos are many, and we are few. I know what you are thinking brother, they stand not a chance against us". Captain Viriatos, 1st company, Marines Errant Adeptus Astartes. A change of direction from my Gaelic Irish project. I wanted to show off my Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine chapter. I began my hobbying in the 1990's as a 10 year old with Games Workshop's Fantasy, Necromunda and 40,000 games. I collected and played many armies, but never had the chance to do a Space Marine chapter. A number of mo ths ago I started a new army. So here are the Canon chapter, the Marines Errant. The Marines Errant are a successor of a successor chapter, which in the lore is not that common. Their predecessor chapter are the Eagle Warriors who are a second founding chapter of the Ultramarines. They are a fleet based crusading chapter with a notable history, particularly their involvement in the Badab war. In future posts I will go into more lore detail...

More Gallowglass!

I have completed the first unit of Gallowglass, ten in all, the six Perry miniatures and the two Antideluvian. I intend to add two more in the future to make a unit of ten. As you can see I have based them on individual circular bases. This is because I am not collecting specifically for any existing tabletop system or rules and do not plan on wargaming yet. I am however working on my own set of rules for the period which works with circular bases. More on that in a future entry though! Above are the three wearing aketons. I painted the Antideluvian on the right differently to try and introduce some variety and personality. Maybe a little unorthodox, however I quite like it. Those with mail above.  I will be back next time hopefully with the beginnings of the Command unit including(maybe) a milliput sculpted banner for my standard bearer.

Ceithernach(Kerns) with handguns

I have made a start on my Kerns with handguns, as well as some with bows. These are all Perry's. I am fairly happy with the result, although I am not too pleased with the eyes. I have invested in some finer detail brushes and will re do them. I am also for the next batch going to tone down the glossiness. This was due to the application of numerous watered down lairs which I did to achieve layers of contrast for the saffron leine garments most Kerns wear. I hope to bring you some more Gaelic units soon. I will also be showcasing the beginnings of my Marines Errant Chapter of Adeptus Astartes for those of you interested in Warhammer 40k soon.


I have a small number of Galloglaigh which I am currently working on. The one with the bow and the one on the far right with spear are both from Antideluvian miniatures and are fom their Albrecht Duhrer woodcut set, which are a set of four miniatures based on the contemporary woodcut by Duhrer which illustrates Irish mercenaries on the Continent. The other two are from Perry. I have a further number from the same range I am currently painting. After I finish the other Perry Galloglaigh I will continue adding more Ceitherne, also from Perry. Once they are done I will move on to Cavalry and Pike, and that will require some creative thinking and lots of milliput.

16th Century Gaelic Irish 28mm

I recently returned to tabletop wargaming/miniature painting after a fifteen year absence. This is however, my first foray into the world of historicals. I had long drooled over historical minis, and as someone who has had an obsession with human history since about the age of four It was a logical direction to go. I spent about six months looking at different periods. My first inclination was Ancients, specifically the Hellenic or early Roman period. There are many great ranges of Carthaginians, Gauls and others on the market currently. In the end however I was drawn to a completely different period, the 16th Century, and to my own country of Ireland. 16th Century(and the early 17th) Ireland is a seminal period in Irish history. Its events would shape the future of Ireland and have ramifications which we are still dealing with to this day, including having a direct impact on how Brexit is(or more accurately isnt) unfolding. The 16th century brought to an end activities and cul...